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Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers

Meavy, St Peter
Christ the Consoler. "Come unto me".
BVM. "All ye that are heavy laden"
Mary Magdalene. "And I will give you rest".
Detail: Christ the Consoler.
Detail: BVM.
Detail: Mary Magdalene.
Predella detail.
Tracery detail. Alpha & Omega symbols and angels playing instruments. A white dove above.

North Aisle West: BVM, Christ Consoler & St Mary Magdalene.

North Aisle West; Christ Consoler, BVM & St Mary Magdalene, 1911

Posted 26 November 2022

Installed in 1911, this is a three-light window on the theme of Christ the Consoler. In the centre light stands Christ, and flanking him: In the left light, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and in the right, St Mary Madgalene. Above the three figures the words from Matthew 11:28 (KJV), somewhat jumbled; "Come unto Me [above Christ] all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest". In the tracery a white dove, angels playing musical instruments and Alpha and Omega symbols.

The dedication reads:

RIP. To the Glory of God and in memory of Elizabeth Butcher. Who passed to her rest 20th February 1910".

The window is signed, "Percy Bacon Bros. 11 Newman Street, London. W".

Signature Bottom Right



Location Map:

NGR: SX 54037 67222
Sat Nav Post Code: PL20 6PJ

All text and photos © Alan Spencer, except where otherwise stated; All Rights Reserved