South Aisle 2: WW1 memorial. Allegorical figures of Valour represented by David; Sacrifice represented by Abraham about to kill Isaac; Love represented by a knight.
South Aisle 2: Valour represented by the figure of David as shepherd.
South Aisle 2: Valour represented by the figure of David as shepherd.
South Aisle 2: Sacrifice represented by Abraham's sacrifice of his son, Isaac.
South Aisle 2: Sacrifice represented by Abraham's sacrifice of his son, Isaac.
South Aisle 2: Sacrifice represented by Abraham's sacrifice of his son, Isaac.
South Aisle 2: Love represented by a knight in armour.
SA2: Valour, Sacrifice and Love. Memorial to 2
nd Lt Arthur Cyril Brickwood. 1916.
South Aisle 2: Valour, Sacrifice and Love. 1916.
Posted 08 July 2023.
This is a simple window comprised of three short lancets without tracery. Three standing figures represent the allegorical figures of Valour, Sacrifice and Love, illustrated thus:
Left: A haloed boy with shepherd's crook and a sling-shot, probably representing David.
Centre: Abraham about to sacrifice Izaac.
Right: Love represented by a knight in armour holding a sword and shield.
This is a memorial to a fallen soldier of the first world war. The dedication plaque below the window reads:
To the Glory of God and in loving Memory of
2nd Lieut. Arthur Cyril Brickwood, 1st Batt. York & Lancaster Regt.
who died
at Boulogne, April 15th 1915 after being seven times in the trenches,
aged 18, son of Sir John and lady Brickwood.
The window is unsigned.
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