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Stained Glass of Percy Bacon & Brothers

Greatford, St Thomas of Canterbury
St John.
St Peter.
St James as pilgrim.
Angels in tracery lights.
The Percy Bacon & Brothers Three Busy Bees Rebus.

Ss John, Peter and James with angels above

The church of St Thomas of Canterbury is mostly 13th and 14th century, though some of the architectural features such as the herringbone courses on the north wall suggest an earlier incarnation. The church was restored 1854. The tower with broach spire, typical of the area, is offset to the south. More information on the church on the British Listed Buildings website.

There is a single window by Bacon in the Church of St Thomas of Canterbury at Greatford, Lincolnshire, installed 1895.1 The window lower lights depict (l to r) St John, St Peter, and St James the Great as Pilgrim. Each figure has a scroll above:

  • St John: "God is Love" (1 John 4:16)
  • St Peter: "Be Vigilant" (1 Peter, 5:8)
  • St James: "A Ranson for many" (Mark 10:45, Matt 20:28)

Above the saints, are three angels each in its own light but holding a "continuous" scroll which expands across the three, and reads, "God in the highest, and on earth peace & goodwill to all men". The Bacon Bros three bees rebus can be seen at the bottom right.

Percy Bacon & Brothers "Three Bees" Rebus


References: Use your browser's Back button to return to text.

  1. The Builder, Vol69 28 September 1895 p225



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